I could tell you everything about her. Who she was. How we met. The color of her eyes and the shape of her nose. I can see her right in front of me. She’s more real than you are. We could spend all night trading tales of lost love. Nothing makes the past a sweeter place to visit than the prospect of imminent death.

Aemon Targaryen (played by Peter Vaughan) reminiscing about old love in the series Game Of Thrones (s4e9)

In one of my favorite and most memorable scenes, the wise elder speaks of days past, reminiscing with Jon Snow about past love and just how strong its memory is even in his old age. The nostalgia and realism with which Peter Vaughn delivered these lines was spot on and just simply human. A man who lived a very long, sacrificed and fruitful life is now facing death, soon to be leave a living word. And he reminisces about those sweet tender moments, moments more real to him today than ever before. The quote itself may be overly sentimental, but the fact remains; imminent death makes one ponder and reflect our existence.