What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word, and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.

George Bailey, played by James Stuwart, in Frank Capra’s 1946 classic It’s A Wonderful Life

It has been close to two years since I have written on this blog and for good reason. My last post, based on the HBO series Chernobyl, was around the time the world changed. The COVID pandemic swept all forms of life and the series of events that took place since then have changed not only our daily lives but our way of life. So much has changed. The world does not feel the same way. Our society, our brotherhood, is anew.

Every year around Christmas I return to watch It’s Wonderful Life. It is a reminder putting into perspective that which matters above all; family and friends. For me specially, it is a comforting tradition, one filled with nostalgia and a desire for simplicity. How I wish our lives were much simpler. But it is not to be, as we must move forward and not live in the past, specially that of fictionalized films of a bygone era.

What I will take will be the lessons and ideas, the values and humanity represented in this movie. Specially with today’s challenges, applying that lesson Clarence gave George is paramount. By no means it means things are always be perfect and that everyone’s life is great, but, even with our hurdles and heartaches, it is still a wonderful life.

Happy holidays to you and your loved ones.